July 25, 2024

Part of Abu Dhabi, UAE with tall buildings and surrounding area viewed from the helicopter. Many details are visible in the image.

Alimony is also called spousal maintenance. An individual is liable to provide financial support to their former spouse. An individual needs to provide it in case of divorce or separation. In Abu Dhabi, there is a proper family law that helps in calculating the alimony. In recent years, a new rule has been introduced to govern the concept of alimony in Abu Dhabi. The procedure related to family issues governs all aspects of family matters. It may include marriage, divorce, child custody, alimony, inheritance, wills, and much more. The family Lawyers in Abu Dhabi, are among the smartest Advocates in ABU DHABI. Such Lawyers are also called Alimony Lawyers. 

Factors to Consider to Determine Alimony in Abu Dhabi:

The number of Years of Marriage is accounted for while determining the alimony. The value of alimony increases with the number of years of marriage. This reflects the financial interdependence. It also impacts the contributions made by each of the spouses. Lawyers in ABU DHABI are the intelligent lawyers to deal the family cases.

Normally, the amount of alimony decreases depending upon the age of the spouse who tends to seek support. Under this, the ability to find employment is accounted for. Besides, it will also account for the generated income.

The Economic Position of Each Spouse has a major role to play. A detailed accounting report is prepared by a specialist who has the skill. Nonetheless, the expert is accredited by the courts in Abu Dhabi. The courts will assess the following: income, assets, liabilities, and expenses of each of the spouses.

Spouse activeness and participation in the Divorce are also accounted for. The courts of the state will take into account whether a spouse caused or contributed to the divorce. It can be through negligence, mistake, error, or certain acts. 

This is the base on which alimony will be dependent. It is based on fault or increased for the innocent party.

The Compensation for Material or Moral Damage is also taken into consideration. The alimony may be awarded to a spouse based on certain factors. The one who has suffered material or moral damage due to the divorce can seek compensation.

It can be a loss or damage in the form of loss of reputation, emotional trauma, turbulence or distress, physical agony or injury, and much more.

The Financial Damages Due to Unilateral Divorce are also covered by alimony. The compensation is granted by considering the extent of financial damages. 

The financial damages should be a direct result of a unilateral divorce. Some of the reasons might include loss of income, or inheritance rights etc.

The Custody Expenses are also taken into consideration. Nonetheless, the father is required to cover all the custody-related expenses.

Besides, there is a need to ensure adequate support for the children along with the mother’s financial stability.

The interest in Taking Care of Children is equally essential. Moreover, the court will account for the level of interest each spouse will show towards the children. The court considers the level of interest in caring for the children. 

Besides, they will look into the potential of adjusting alimony based on responsibility and commitment.

The modification of alimony is also taken into account. The court of Abu Dhabi retains the authority to modify the amount of alimony as per the situation and scenarios. Nevertheless, they will also take into account the duration of alimony. 

Normally, the time period is based on evolving economic conditions or either spouse’s request.

Way to Calculate Alimony after Divorce in Abu Dhabi:

In order to calculate alimony, some of the crucial factors are accounted for. The courts of Abu Dhabi have the full authority to decide regarding the amount of alimony. Normally, it is based on the divorce situation. 

In this article, we have simplified the ways to calculate the alimony. Let’s discuss it by breaking down the calculation process:

Monthly Income Percentage is accounted for. The percentage of at least 25% of the husband’s income. The most recent monthly income of the husband is taken into account.

Secondly, the Property and Wealth Percentage of the husband is accounted for.  It may include real estate, financial investments, and movable assets.

The Shared Money and Contribution are accounted for in the calculation of alimony. The shared money between spouses and their contributions to it is considered for calculating the figure of alimony.

The court of Abu Dhabi has the power to raise or lower the alimony amount. The method will decide payment terms.it is normally based on the accounting expert report.  

The financial conditions of the spouses are also evaluated for the calculation. The main goal is to ensure a dignified living for the divorced woman along with the children.  They also don’t burden the father beyond his financial capacity.

How Knowledgeable Family Lawyers in Abu Dhabi are Helpful:

In case you are navigating the process of divorce, the lawyers are of great help. They have an understanding of the prevalent laws and regulations regarding alimony in Abu Dhabi. 

The well-qualified family lawyers in Abu Dhabi can provide their invaluable piece of legal guidance over alimony and financial rights. Consulting a family lawyer in Abu Dhabi will be beneficial. Besides, the experienced team can help in better understanding the rights, obligations, and factors to consider for a solution. 

Nonetheless, the lawyers will negotiate for a fair settlement. The lawyers will provide legal representation in court on behalf of their client. The lawyers can navigate the complexities regarding alimony following the divorce. 

Professional attorneys assist in understanding the principles that govern the alimony calculations. By seeking the legal advice of lawyers, a fair and just outcome can be reached in an amicable settlement.